Sunday 3 November 2013


Irregular/organic patterns are formed or accident-grown. It is expected to develop without the contribution of the designers, not the object of the master plan, and is the subject of time, the landscape and the daily life of citizens. The resulting shape is irregular, organic, with a share of bent and crooked streets and indiscriminate open spaces.

Grids patterns can be built incrementally, on dual carriageways, one carriageway at a time. Grids have what road engineers call ‘natural redundancy’ – a highly desirable quality, whereby if a road is blocked by accident or repair, an alternative route is available. Non-hierarchical systems are very vulnerable to blockages - a problem on a major distributor can paralyze a large area. Most importantly, grids are vastly more cost effective than hierarchical systems.

In Radial patterns
the network of roads is in the form of circles emanating from the center of the area. Roads radiate outwards from a central point.

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